Book Review

The Twelfth Angel

The Twelfth Angel / Og Mandino

John, the protagonist of the book, becomes the president of a large corporation, and soon after returning to his hometown, his family is killed in a car accident, and he is so discouraged that he contemplates committing suicide.
However, when his friend Bill suggested that he become a Little League coach, he met Timothy. Timothy is not as tall as other kids his age, and he is not very good at baseball.
So John gives him special coaching. As a result of this special relationship with Timothy, John is no longer suicidal, and he begins to think positively about his life.


知識ゼロでも楽しく読める物理のしくみ / 川村康文

I chose this book because I’m not good at Physics so, I wanted to read a fun book that I could understand easily
I learned that The fact that the things we think about without thinking about them are actually related to physics
For example, it was interesting to find out why ski jumpers can land without dying, or why we can hear distant sounds at night.

The Quintessential Quintuplets

The Quintessential Quintuplets / Negi Haruba

I chose this book because This manga is my most favorite. Also, the story had an impact on me.
The reason why I recommend this book is because in this book, we can read about family love, how we study, how dreams come true, and adolescents in high school in Japan.
So, I recommend it to anyone who wants to read heartwarming stories, learn how to study, be encouraged, and feel adolescent.

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